You may order your heating oil with our secure online system.
Why Order Fuel Online? By ordering online we reduce our cost and pass the savings onto you.
View your account, deliveries, payments and invoices from the comfort of your home or office.
There are many common tank problems like sludge or water in your tank. These can cause major issues that are not just costly but are potentially hazardous to the environment. To help prevent these problems, JC Heating & Cooling offers The Fuel Doc Heating Oil Treatment.
Used with each winter delivery, this additive helps prevent expensive no heat calls: Which prevent water (which often is created during the condensation process) from freezing and gelling only $25.00 treats 275 gallons.
Prevent cold weather gelling and expenses no heat calls. To add your winter additive to your delivery, simply ask our representative at the time of delivery or add it at the time you place your online order. $25.00 treat 275 gallons.
Need an emergency delivery right away? Please call the office @ (215) 945-4833 for fast service
Please allow up to 48 hours for online delivery. For emergency delivery, please call our office @ (215) 945-4833
It is the customer's obligation to perform routine inspections and maintenance of their heating oil tank and associated piping to assure that the fuel oil tank system and piping is leak free and safe for an oil delivery and meets all current governmental safety regulations to prevent over fills and/or oil spills. Vent pipes must be a minimum of 1-1/4" and working properly. Customers are liable for clean-up costs in the event of a leaking oil tank or associated lines, piping and fill ports. We offer free oil tank inspections.
For Over 50 Years, JC Heating & Cooling Company has provided reliable heating oil delivery to Lower Bucks County and surrounding communities.
Registered and insured. Pa License #006330